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Create Animated 3D Flashy Logo Intro with our Video Creator

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This template has 3d animation for a nice-looking clean logo intro video. Adjustable flares and background and music can bring an amazing look to your logo in this intro, create from the template by our video editor.

What is 3d animation?

3D animation is the art of using motion to bring characters, vehicles, props, and more to life within TV shows, cartoons, videos, and games.
It is the process of generating three-dimensional moving images, like a logo or even a text, in a digital environment.

The process of 3d animation is done by very sophisticated software, like After Effects, Cinema4d, or 3d Max. It usually takes at least 3 steps to do 3d animation. They are modeling, layout, and animation, and rendering. Bringing some lighting and shadows to a scene would emphasize the 3d effect and make it look more real.

In our case, we don't need to model anything. Our video editor online tool takes your logo file with transparent background and mixes it with 3d animation that was done in this template. The animation itself was done by one of our animators in the After Effects software and then uploaded to our web app for anyone to use.

Is it difficult to use our online video editor software?

The process of creating a logo intro or any other explainer video or a movie trailer on our website is very simple. In this particular template, all you have to do is to upload your logo file with a transparent background to a scene, add your website detail or personal details, upload own music or use ours that is there or from our library and click the button "produce video".

Our video editor will produce a sample logo intro for you to see if you made any mistakes or errors. After everything is checked and fixed, you can create an HD quality logo intro by paying a one-time small fee or buying a subscription, if you plan to come back to us and make more high-quality videos.

What logo intro is used for?

It is a short time animation that can be used on its own on a website or any social network channel for advertising purposes of your business or a product. It also can be used at the beginning or end of any tutorial or the explainer videos.

The animation of your logo needs to look very professional and high-quality for people to take you seriously. Many companies using logo intro as a TV commercial. Because the timing of the animation is very short, it doesn't cost an enormous amount of money to advertise it on any popular TV channel.

We are sure that you've got plenty of information for yourself. No need to hesitate any longer and click the button above to start creating a flashy logo intro. Our video editor software is a great online tool to save yourself a lot of money and time and be able to produce a professional intro for any type of advertising.
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